At its meeting last weekend, the KMS House of Delegates voted to change the organization's governance structure. Delegates approved restructuring the Council, with its 37 voting members, into a smaller Board of Trustees with 18 voting members. The amendments to KMS' governing documents also restructure the Executive Committee and establish specific guidelines which the Nominating Committee will utilize to help maintain a balanced and representative Board of Trustees. (Learn more)

Recommendation for the changes originated with the Future Directions Task Force which is halfway through its two-year comprehensive effort to ensure KMS is well-positioned to remain a strong, relevant advocate for physicians well into the future. In the coming year, the Task Force will continue its work and review a number of other important issues including the future of the House of Delegates, structure of KMS membership, cost of membership and KMS' relationship with county medical societies. The final report will be considered at the 2014 Annual Meeting in Kansas City.

Delegates also elected new officers and installed Michael Machen, MD, a family physician from Quinter, as KMS President. A complete listing of the resolutions adopted at the meeting is available online. Please direct questions about any of the resolutions or the new governance model to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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