2024 Session Ends

The Kansas legislature completed a brief “veto session” and formally adjourned the 2024 regular session early on May 1st, meaning the full legislature won’t return until next January unless a special session is called by the Governor. Before adjourning, the Legislature considered several vetoes and successfully overrode Governor Kelly’s vetoes on many, including on budget line items. Notably, though, the legislature was again unable to muster enough votes to override the Governor’s veto of another major tax reform bill. In response, the legislature kicked out a tax plan similar to one Kelly vetoed. She has pledged to veto this most recent (and bipartisan) bill and call a special session. However, because the legislature already formally adjourned the 2024 regular session, legislators will not have an opportunity to override any more vetoes, including this last tax bill. Enacting a tax reform bill during a special session would require the introduction of an entirely new bill, as all legislation in a special session must start from scratch.

In addition to the prospect of a special session, legislative leaders may soon approve and assign special committees to study various topics throughout the next seven months prior to the beginning of the 2025 regular session. These “interim committees” typically approve non-binding recommendations for the full legislature to consider when they return in January for the 2025 regular session. But, with a looming special session and an election year for all legislative seats, we expect the interim committee workload will be light.

Round-up of 2024 Bills Impacting the Industry

KMS advocated for and against many issues during the 2024 legislative session and none of those issues were affected by the recent veto session. The 9% increase in the Medicaid Physician Fee Schedule should go into effect on July 1, 2024. Though the conference committee on Health met during the veto session, they were unable to move any additional conference committee reports – so any issues not passed during the regular session, including the many ideological bills and all of the scope of practice bills, are now officially dead. For any of these issues to advance, a new bill would have to be introduced during the anticipated special session, or next year.

Summer 2024 – Elections on the Horizon

As was expected, the legislative session was dominated by politics and partisanship over policy. And while it can be difficult and discouraging to navigate, it is imperative that we remain engaged in pursuing good policy for Kansas physicians. Both the House and Senate stand for re-election this year, with the primary elections just three months away. The Kansas Medical Society Political Action Committee (KaMPAC) is guided by an independent board of physicians from across the state. They evaluate each candidate and race and are seeking to support candidates that are willing to listen to physician’s concerns when policymaking. KAMPAC does not give to federal or statewide races or to political parties. The legislature has the most direct impact on the practice of medicine in Kansas and as such, KaMPAC focuses its support exclusively in direct contributions to legislative candidates. A strong PAC is crucial to our advocacy, so if you haven’t already, please join KAMPAC today.


KDHE-DHCF Presumptive Eligibility Program

Presumptive eligibility is a process that allows qualified entities to determine if an individual can receive short-term Medicaid. It provides individuals with Immediate and Temporary Medicaid coverage while KanCare processes their application for regular Medicaid.

Qualified entities can make presumptive eligibility determinations for pregnant women, children, former foster care, Breast or Cervical Cancer (BCC) patients currently receiving treatment, parents, and other caretakers.

A presumptive eligibility determination provides full Medicaid benefits for children up until the 19th birthday, former foster care, BCC, parents, and other caretakers. Coverage for pre-natal ambulatory services only for pregnant women.

A qualified entity:

  • Can be a hospital, clinic, school, etc.
  • A Medicaid provider.
  • Notifies KDHE of its intent to make presumptive eligibility determinations by submitting a Statement of Interest.
  • Agrees to make presumptive eligibility determinations following KDHE policies and procedures.
  • Can make presumptive eligibility determinations for pregnant women, children, former foster care, BCC, parents, and other caretakers.
  • Help individuals complete and submit online applications for regular Medicaid.
  • Helps individuals understand and submit possible documents to KanCare to see if they qualify for regular Medicaid.
  • Has not been disqualified.

To learn more about becoming a qualified entity visit our Presumptive eligibility website at:


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