Below you'll find the answers to some frequently asked questions. If the information you seek isn't provided here, please feel free to contact us.

What does the KMS- PHP do?

  • Provides education for physicians, students, and healthcare organizations about addictions as well as behaviors that may contribute to personal and/or professional issues.
  • Assists with or conducts interventions for healthcare professionals who need assistance in dealing with personal and/or professional difficulties.
  • Monitors physicians and physician assistants through individualized monitoring contracts.
  • Coordinates with providers who provide assessment, treatment, and aftercare support for our participants.
  • Advocates to the best of our ability for the healthcare professional.
  • Provides resources for healthcare professionals, the public, and the Board.

Who can be referred to the KMS-PHP program?

Physicians or physician assistants who are licensed in the State of Kansas, or who are trying to obtain licensure in the State of Kansas.

Can you come speak to our group or medical staff?

Absolutely. For more information, contact our office by phone at 800.332.0156 or 785.235.2383. 

May I call anonymously to the KMS- PHP if I have concerns about a physician or physician assistant?

Yes. By law, all reports to the KMS- PHP are regarded as privileged and confidential.

I am concerned that a colleague/ family member may be using alcohol and/or drugs. What should I do?

We recommend that you call the KMS- PHP. All calls are confidential. Any person who, in good faith, reports or provides information about a healthcare provider shall not be liable in a civil action for damages or other relief arising from the reporting or providing information unless there is clear and convincing evidence that the report or information was completely false and was known to the person making the report. (KSA 65-4923 or 65-4924)

A colleague/ family member is in the KMS- PHP program. I have concerns about him/her. Can I contact his/her case manager to talk about his/her case?

You may give information to PHP. Please understand due to confidentiality the PHP cannot acknowledge the participants unless there is a current signed release.

One of my employees is having attendance issues. Is this something I should call the KMS- PHP about?

Yes. Attendance issues can be an indicator that the provider is experiencing difficulties. These difficulties can range from burnout and depression to substance abuse. Early intervention is key.

Our workplace has concerns surrounding recent behavioral issues; however, the physician’s competency and performance do not appear to be affected. Should we still call the KMS- PHP?

Behavioral issues can adversely affect team functioning and, ultimately, patient care. If a physician is displaying concerning behavioral issues, it is prudent to contact the KMS- PHP. Some behaviors can indicate a serious health condition that may otherwise go unnoticed.

What is the benefit of referring a physician or physician assistant with health-related issues to the KMS- PHP?

Protects the Public. Saves a Career, Saves a Life

Who does the Kansas Medical Society–Professionals’ Health Program serve (KMS-PHP)?

KMS-PHP serves physicians, residents, medical students, physician assistant, and physician assistant students. Program is designed to protect the health of Kansans and promote medical excellence by seeking early identification, rehabilitation and treatment of physicians and physician assistants affected by mental/emotional disorders, physical health, substance use disorders, disruptive behaviors and other life circumstances that affect medical competency

How are Physicians referred to the program?

Physicians can be referred by self, spouse or significant other, or other family members, employer, regulatory Board, attorneys, therapists, treatment facilities, other PHP’s, ect. The best and primary contact for you is the KMS-PHP Program Director or Medical Director.


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