Briefing on APRN bill status
Join KHA on Tuesday, August 30 at noon for an update on Senate Substitute for House Bill 2279, an amended law that allows advanced practice registered nurses to prescribe drugs without a supervising physician.
Catherine Walberg with Goodell, Stratton, Edmonds and Palmer, LLP will provide a brief overview of the legislation and the interim regulations, the views shared regarding the proposed regulations, and the impact of the request for an Attorney General’s opinion on the bill on implementation of the legislation.
You may register for the webinar here:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the briefing. Please direct questions to Audrey Dunkel at
Nominations for 2023-2024 KMS Board of Trustees
The KMS Nominating Committee annually seeks and considers recommendations for nominees from the general membership, component/county societies, and specialty societies. This year, the Committee will present a slate of nominees for the following Board positions: one Central District Trustee, one Eastern District Trustee, one Western District Trustee, and one AMA Delegate.
The Nominating Committee is charged with selecting nominees who possess the skills, experience, integrity, and commitment necessary to enable the Board of Trustees to properly exercise its governance and oversight role in the best interests of the Society. In making its nominations, the Committee seeks to work toward a Board composition that is diverse and broadly representative of the Society membership, and which also reflects geographic location, specialty, and practice type.
Physicians whose names are submitted to the Nominating Committee as possible nominees to serve on the Board of Trustees must be members-in-good standing of KMS. Individuals may be nominated by a colleague, component/county medical society, or state specialty society; self-nominations will also be accepted.
For reference, here is a map outlining the Trustee Districts.
Here is the online nomination form. (If you would prefer to fill out a Word document nomination form, that is available here.)
Nominations will be accepted until September 1, 2022. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Nancy Sullivan (
A full list of current Board positions is available here.
Save the date: KMS Advocacy Day, 2023
Mark your calendar for the next KMS Advocacy Day on Jan. 25, which will be held in Topeka.
Advocacy Day offers a chance to meet with state legislative leaders, to meet with your colleagues across the state, and to hear from KMS leadership about the upcoming legislative session. While some specialty societies may also hold events later in the year, Advocacy Day is the one event of the year for all Kansas physicians. More information will be forthcoming in this KMS newsletter.
Reports of pharmacy denials of care for substance use disorders
Preliminary results of a new American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) survey found more than 100 reports of pharmacies denying or delaying access to medications for patients with a substance use disorder, including buprenorphine. ASAM began conducting the survey in 2020 and has received results from 19 states. The survey can be found here: Please contact ASAM’s Corey Barton at
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If you have questions about this update or other matters, please contact KMS Executive Director Rachelle Colombo: