The practice of medicine and health care in general are experiencing a continuation of rapid and complex change. This pace and complexity is not expected to subside and thus is our “new normal." During the coming year, the Kansas Medical Society is uniquely positioned to respond, lead and positively influence in a number of different ways. Below are five areas in which we plan to direct much of our time, talent and resources in 2019.


Membership is the lifeblood of KMS and we’re fortunate to appear to have reversed the trend of declining membership. In 2019 membership growth will continue to be our top priority followed closely by member engagement. We will continue to increase the frequency and methods of our meaningful interaction with KMS members.


If membership is the lifeblood of KMS then advocacy is the beating heart of KMS. Advocacy is at the core of all we do. Advocating for our members and the practice of medicine is what we do best whether it’s at the Capital, negotiating with an insurance payor, championing a public health policy or assisting a physician battling burnout. Each KMS staff member is passionate about advocating for our members and the practice of medicine in Kansas.


Current research reports that more than 50 percent of physicians report at least one clinical symptom of burnout. The causes and remedies are complex and there are no simple solutions. In 2019 we plan to implement a 4-prong approach, several in partnership with the Kansas Hospital Association. 

  • Expand the focus of the KMS Professional Health Program to include prevention
  • Partner with KHA in a series of activities starting with a CMO Conference in Q1 of 2019
  • Reengineer the Physicians Foundation Leadership grant in partnership with the Kansas Leadership Center to incorporate leadership and wellness into programming beginning in the spring of 2019
  • Sponsor a newly formed group called Coalition of Healthy Kansas Healthcare Professionals – collection of 8-10 healthcare organizations/associations who meet to share ideas and strategies to improve healthcare provider wellness.


Recent AMA survey identified PA as a major frustration for practicing physicians. Many report PA requirements directly impact the quality of care delivered to a patient not to mention the cost to physician practices to comply. KMS is currently collecting Kansas physician survey data to be used to develop strategies to advocate for changes to Kansas PA requirements.


Formerly called the “Think Tank – Improving the Health of Kansas” this systems approach to improving the health of Kansans is a partnership with the University of Kansas Medical Center. It presents a unique opportunity for KMS to co-lead a statewide effort with other institutions and organizations to improve the overall health of our state.

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KaMMCO 2018

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