Governor to issue reopening plan this week
At her Monday briefing, Gov. Laura Kelly said her administration would issue plans to reopen the state by Thursday, April 30, before the statewide stay-at-home order expires at midnight May 3. In absence of the statewide order, restrictive policies may be imposed as warranted by public health officials in individual counties. Gov. Kelly said KDHE Secretary Lee Norman, MD, will have authority to override local health officials. The governor also said that she discussed with White House officials on Monday the need to significantly improve the state’s testing capacity to help minimize the spread of the virus as public activity increases.

Legislature to return on or before May 21
It is anticipated that the Kansas Legislature will return on or before May 21 to conclude the 2020 session. While lawmakers have already approved a budget, they may consider other legislation before adjournment. We hope to have the opportunity to seek liability protections and the passage of Senate Bill 493, which is KMS’s proposal in response to the Hilburn ruling.

Additional PPP funding for health care providers, small businesses
The second round of loans via the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) became available this week. One important provision of the new funding measure is that $60 billion is specifically set aside for community banks and smaller credit unions. The renewed funding is expected to be depleted quickly—we encourage you to contact your lending institution as soon as possible to apply.

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If you have questions about this update or other matters, please contact KMS Executive Director Rachelle Colombo: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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