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2018 KMS Annual Meeting: September 22
KMS members are invited to join their physician colleagues at the upcoming KMS Annual Meeting to be held on Saturday, September 22, 2018. The meeting will be held at the KMS office (623 SW 10th Ave.) in Topeka from 9am-2:30pm. A key portion of the event is a facilitated, open discussion about important topics facing medicine in Kansas; this year, we’ll specifically focus on the challenges regarding opioid abuse and the physician’s role in that changing environment.
AMA President-elect to speak about opioids
Joining us will be Patrice A. Harris, MD, MA, the newly elected President-elect of the American Medical Association. Dr. Harris also chairs the AMA Task Force to Reduce Opioid Abuse with the goal to increase physicians’ registration and use of effective prescription drug-monitoring programs; enhance physician education on effective, evidence-based prescribing; reduce the stigma of chronic pain and substance-use disorder (SUD); and promote comprehensive assessment and treatment; expand access to naloxone in the community and through co-prescribing; and promote safe storage and disposal of opioids and all medications. Dr. Harris, a psychiatrist from Atlanta, has diverse experience as a private practicing physician, public health administrator, patient advocate and medical society lobbyist. She was elected to the AMA Board of Trustees in June 2011.
Keynote speaker: “Dreamland” author
The day will conclude with our Luncheon Keynote Speaker, Sam Quinones. Mr. Quinones is a journalist, storyteller, former L.A. Times reporter, and author of three acclaimed books including Dreamland: The True Tale of America’s Opiate Epidemic, the 2015 National Book Critics Circle Award Winner for general nonfiction. The book chronicles the opiate crisis of a town in Ohio, and how that town came together to address dependency and work toward economic and social revitalization. Mr. Quinones is busy on the speaking circuit, recently speaking to members of the medical societies in Colorado and Indiana.
If you have questions, contact Nancy Sullivan at
Board of Trustees election: 2018
This year, for the fifth time in our history, all KMS members will have the opportunity to vote on the election of the physicians who will lead our organization. Previously, only those physicians who attended the House of Delegates meeting as a delegate had the opportunity to vote. We are excited about this change and look forward to enhanced member engagement in this most-important process.
Select the electronic ballot which matches your Trustee District:
- All votes must be cast by September 21, 2018.
If you have questions about the election process, please contact the KMS office at 800.332.0156.
BOHA adopts policy on chronic pain
The Kansas State Board of Healing Arts has adopted a statement on the use of controlled substances for the treatment of chronic pain.
The joint policy was also adopted by the Kansas Board of Nursing and the Kansas Board of Pharmacy.
Physicians discuss key issues facing medicine
One of the most meaningful aspects of the KMS Annual Meeting (#KMS2017) is the hearing from our physician members, through the Members Forum. This year was no exception. During the September 9 meeting, members provided their perspectives on important issues impacting Kansas physicians.
Pharmacist Prescribing
Members discussed the current practice of drug therapy management allowed by pharmacists who are working with physicians through collaborative practice agreements. Some pharmacists have asserted that collaborative practice agreements are too restrictive and patients would be better served by pharmacist prescribing. Members reported concerns about disrupting collaborative practice agreements and allowing pharmacists to supplant the role of the physician. There was unanimous agreement that collaborative practice agreements are helpful to patients and allow both providers to address the needs of patients in a team-like fashion.
Maintenance of Certification
Extensive comments were received regarding the benefit of MOC. Many physicians reported that MOC imposed significant new requirements and costs on busy physicians with little to show as positive outcomes. The AMA was recommended as a source for policy and strategies regarding MOC as well as partnership with other state medical societies and specialty societies seeking responsiveness from ABMS. State legislation was discussed as a potential strategy to prevent the inappropriate use of MOC that would restrict a physicians’ ability to practice. KMS is actively engaged in the MOC issue at the state and federal levels.
Medical Marijuana
The question posed to KMS Membership was whether its current policy should change regarding the use of medical marijuana. Currently, KMS policy opposes the use of marijuana for medical purposes due to lack of FDA approval and scientific evidence of medical efficacy. Several physicians indicated that while they are not personally or philosophically opposed to marijuana if it has proven medical use, both scientific research, evidence and training will be necessary before there is support for legalizing cannabis for medical use.
Physician Burnout/Wellness
Research was shared that indicated an increase in the number of US physicians who report symptoms of burnout. One of the most recent reports indicate that 54% of practicing physicians display one or more symptoms of burnout. Numerous physicians provided factors that contribute to physician burnout and one physician reported that research indicates women physicians experience burnout at a higher rate than their male colleagues.
Opioid/Pain Management
A number of physicians acknowledged the current opioid challenge within Kansas and the challenge of balancing the need/duty to treat a patient’s pain while not inadvertently creating a physical dependency for opioid based prescriptions. There was common agreement that K-TRACS was a valuable tool for physicians. Several physicians cited the need for additional physician education on the issues of opioid addiction and effective pain management strategies. Lastly, several KMS members urged KMS to discourage legislative interference in the patient-physician relationship as it pertains to pain management.
KMS Newsletters
Click a link below to view the web versions of Kansas Physician, our e-newsletter. The link will open in a new browser window or tab.
(NOTE: Due to a mid-year change in our delivery mechanism, newsletters from 2017 are divided. You will find issues published January-June here.)
Save the date: 2017 KMS Annual Meeting
Frank SesnoJoin us September 9
Make plans to join us at the upcoming KMS Annual Meeting on Saturday, September 9, 2017 from 9am-2:30pm at the KMS/KaMMCO Building in Topeka.
We are excited about this one-day format which includes networking and time for members to share concerns & ideas directly with the KMS Board of Trustees. Our keynote speaker, Frank Sesno–Correspondent, Anchor and Washington Bureau Chief, CNN (1984-2001; 2005-2009) and Director, George Washington University's School of Media & Public Affairs–will discuss the challenging politics surrounding health care and share how asking the right questions, at the right time can spark meaningful dialogue on important topics.
Are you asking the right questions?
Well-known as anchor, White House Correspondent and talk show host with CNN, he is also a nationally-renowned moderator, who has engaged some of the world’s leading personalities. Sesno currently serves as Director of George Washington University’s School of Media and Public Affairs, where he leads a faculty of nearly two dozen world-class faculty who research and teach journalism, political communication and the impact of digital media in international affairs.
Mr. Sesno has authored a book entitled Ask More which addresses the art of inquiry wherein inspirational people have discovered truth and success through curiosity, questions and the ability to actively listen. Sesno will discuss how people–through improved questioning–can improve their interactions. He will also provide attendees with insight into the current political dynamics surrounding the national discussion on health care.
Contact Nancy Sullivan (
2017-2018 KMS Board of Trustees Nominations and Ballots
With the KMS Annual Meeting comes the opportunity for all KMS members to vote on the election of the physicians who will lead the organization. The slate of nominations and ballots for the 2017-2018 KMS Board of Trustees will be mailed to you in the coming days. We encourage you to take a few moments and participate in the election process by casting your vote. If you have questions, contact the KMS office at 800.332.0156.
2019 Legislative Bill Tracker
The following bills of interest to medicine are being considered by policymakers during the current session of the Kansas Legislature.
Questions? Contact
Anesthesiologist Assistants
- Enacts licensure of anesthesiologist assistants (AAs) under the Board of Healing Arts.
Bill information
APRN independent practice
- Removes the requirement for a collaborative practice agreement between an APRN and a physician
Bill information
Corporate practice of medicine
- Allows non-health care organizations to directly employ physicians to provide health care services
Bill information
E-Prescribing for controlled substances
- Mandates e-prescribing for some controlled substances
Bill information
- House Bill 2389 (neutral)
Expedited partner therapy
- Allows for the use of expedited partner therapy to treat sexually transmitted disease
Bill information
Health Care Stabilization Fund
- Increases the liability limits for the Health Care Stabilization Fund
Bill information
Informed consent: antipsychotic medications
- Requires written informed consent prior to administering antipsychotic medications to an adult care home resident
Bill information
Medicaid expansion
- Expands KanCare, the state's Medicare managed care program, to include individuals earning up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level
Bill information
Medical marijuana
- Allows the legal use of canibus for medical purposes
Bill information
Naturopathic medicine
- Expands the naturopaths' scope of practice including allowing the prescribing of controlled substances
Bill information
Opioid prescribing requirements
- Establishes new requirements for those who prescribe opioids including adherance to guidelines established by the Board of Pharmacy and mandated CME
Bill information
Pharmacists: drug administration
- Allows pharmacists to administer drugs unless a physician prohibits them from doing so expressly on the prescription
Bill information
Podiatrists: redefined as "physicians"
- Redefines podiatrists as "physicians"
Bill information
Pay Other Society Dues
Kansas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons
The Kansas Chapter of the American College of Surgeons (Kansas-ACS) is a not-for-profit association of physicians who specialize in one or more areas of surgical expertise. In order to become a member of Kansas-ACS, the physician must first meet the stringent requirements for membership in the American College of Surgeons.
Kansas Orthopaedic Society
The purpose of the Kansas Orthopaedic Society is to unite the orthopaedic surgeons of Kansas by promoting the science and art of orthopaedic surgery and promoting optimum musculoskeletal care for the people of the state.
Kansas Society of Pathologists
The Kansas Society of Pathologists promotes the practice of scientific medicine by a wider application of anatomic and clinical pathology to the diagnosis and treatment of disease, stimulates research in all branches of anatomic and clinical pathology, establishes standards for performance of various laboratory procedures, elevates the scientific and professional status of those specializing in this branch of medicine, and encourages closer cooperation of anatomic and clinical pathologists with other physicians and with medical technologists.
Physician Membership Application
To apply for KMS membership, please complete the form below.
After we review your application, our staff will follow-up with your dues statement. Your membership will become active once all membership-related queries are fulfilled and payment is received. (Information on membership dues may be found here.)
- If you practice in Sedgwick county, please contact the Medical Society of Sedgwick County for membership information. They can be reached at 316.683.7557.